Panel Discussion 
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Jobs for the future and apprenticeships

Apprenticeship and occupational skills wave of the future


Panel Discussion
Tuesday, Oct. 10 Location Code
2:30pm-3:30pm Hynes Center, Level 3, Room 311 TS/21

Join this interactive panel discussion to learn how the jobs of the future will require new skills and how one of the best ways to close those gaps is through new high-tech apprenticeship programs to insure organizations have the talent pipeline filled for 4th Industrial Revolution.


Nearly 9 out of 10 (88 percent) manufacturers say they are having difficulty finding skilled workers. Apprentices are a positive solution with measurable return on investment (ROI). Explore the current collaborative approach to apprenticeships involving manufacturers, educators and others and understand that any company or school can successfully implement their own apprenticeship program. Learn how to address changing technology and misperceptions about the manufacturing industry contribute to a shortage of skilled workers. By establishing apprenticeship programs around industry-wide standards, American employers can more quickly build a pipeline of skilled workers, boost retention, reduce recruiting costs and improve productivity.

Presenters: Martha Ponge / Geri Scott

Martha Ponge is director of apprenticeship at MACNY, the Manufacturers Association of Central New York. She has an extensive background in education; teaching in industry, community college, adult education and also as a Project Lead the Way certified teacher at the high school level. Ponge holds a BS in mechanical engineering from Clarkson University and an MS in education from SUNY Oswego. 

Geri Scott serves as director at Jobs for the Future where she manages projects that address regional strategies to build and implement dual customer workforce intermediaries. She has worked with a broad range of workforce development programs in Massachusetts and nationally, and has over 25 years of experience in the workforce development field. As director of Vocational Education Programs for the Massachusetts Department of Manpower Development, she refocused occupational training efforts to incorporate employers' skills standards, nearly doubling the resulting job placement rates. Scott was formerly the New England regional director for the National Alliance of Business. She authored or co-authored many technical assistance guides for building the capacity of the workforce development system to address human resource development needs.