TWI Institute 
Intermediate level

Building job relations: The key to respect for people

A standard model to improve employee engagement



In this interactive half-day workshop, improve employee engagement and build relationships by practicing a method that generates motivation and dedication.


One of the most admired aspects of the Toyota Production System is Respect for People. Yet, after decades of trying to emulate Toyota's leadership model, organizations searching for the same dedication and loyalty Toyota gets from its employees continue struggling to build relationships of trust and cooperation.

In this interactive halfday workshop, participants will develop skills in building relationships by practicing a method that generates motivation and dedication, resulting in improved employee engagement. They will learn how to understand people as individuals and practice listening to get opinions and feelings. Roleplays will model a method for taking action on people problems to find solutions that meet objectives while honoring those involved.

Attendees will learn and practice:

  • A standard model for discussions and conversations that respects people's individuality
  • The difference between conversations for gathering facts vs. implementing actions – listening vs. giving direction
  • The introduction and use of four basic Foundations for Good Relations that maintain strong relationships and prevent problems from interfering with responsibilities
  • A step-by-step plan for handling people problems and checking in on results from implemented actions
  • How to repeat and sustain follow-ups to maintain relations over time as people grow and situations change

Mock conversations and roleplay practices will help build skills that can be brought back and used immediately in attendees' worksites.


TWI Institute transforms the potential of people into better business performance. The company helps organizations improve their skills, culture and leadership through TWI, Kata and Standardized Work training.


Steve Medland has spent over 30 years leading, advising, teaching, and learning operations, lean, and supply chain-related practices. As a professional, Steve was a director, manager, and analyst of production, warehouse and distribution, and inventory management in grocery retail, metal fabrication and machining, and office supplies and furniture.

As a business coach, Medland has worked with organizations in aerospace, automotive, banking services, distribution, healthcare and hospital, medical devices, pharmaceutical, and software. Medland has also taught public and private seminars globally on lean systems, inventory management and Toyota leadership practices. A common theme in Medland's consulting work has been lean culture and learning, from the shop floor to the executive level.

In addition to his work in manufacturing, Medland enjoys applying lean principles and other best practices to non-manufacturing processes in the supply chain, such as the customer interface, supply management, inventory management and optimization, and distribution. In addition to his industry and management experience, Med

land spent ten years teaching operations and supply chain courses to graduates, undergraduates, and executives in business and engineering colleges at the University of Oregon, the University of Colorado-Boulder, Colorado State University, and the Bainbridge Graduate Institute. Medland received an MBA in supply chain and operations management from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.