Creating flow

Liberate floor space, people and cash to grow your business
Tuesday, Oct. 30 Location Code
6:00pm-9:00pm Harbor Ballroom G, 2nd level TW/01

This workshop includes a light dinner.

Discover how the careful application of lean principles will liberate three of the four resources you need to grow your business. The fourth is a market to grow into, and your increased quality, predictable delivery and lower cast base will assist in achieving this.


Learning should be fun and this workshop will have you laughing while you learn. You will be introduced to a failing factory with traditional approaches to measurement and management. Learn about lean tools such as value stream mapping, balance charts, spaghetti mapping and kaizen to identify the eight wastes and gradually move from batch-and-queue to continuous flow. Set-up reduction, pull systems and genchi genbutsu area will also be discussed and utilized. Many of the lean tools and philosophies will be explored in this hands-on, fast-moving and fun simulation. If you are currently trying to rationalize the best way to approach the implementation of flow in your business, this workshop is for you!

Presenters: Gary Kerr / Dave Deskur

Gary Kerr has worked in general management and operations management roles with some of Australia’s leading organizations. As director of operations, he led the lean implementation at ADI’s munitions manufacturing business where throughput was increased by over 200 percent, with no increase in floor space, people or inventory. Kerr is a founding member and past president of AME Australia and was an active board member for six years. He has brought lean thinking to many businesses throughout Australia and New Zealand. He coaches organizations toward world-class performance and each year leads visits to some of North America’s best lean organizations to benchmark best practices. Kerr is a mechanical engineer with a master’s degree majoring in business and technology.

With 30 years manufacturing experience, Dave Deskur started his career in machining and welding. He was with CGL Manufacturing since the late 70s and has had the opportunity to witness the transition from a small job shop to an organization focused on becoming the best in the world. In 2000, he was responsible for championing the implementation of lean manufacturing at CGL. Deskur has worked in different supervisory and management roles through the years and recently retired as president and CEO.