Idea Exchange 
Intermediate level
Advanced level
Theme: Innovation

Leveraging push and pull learning for rapid, continuous improvements


Idea Exchange
Thursday, Nov. 2 Location Code
1:30pm-2:30pm Huntington Convention Center ThS/62



Come share your experiences and learn from the experiences of others by sharing best practices, what worked for you, what didn’t work and what challenges you are facing.


This content will not be available on-demand.

Leveraging lean and process improvement learning is essential in today’s rapidly evolving work environment, but it has to be delivered at the right time and in the right venue. What does it mean to deliver effective learning and a cascade of information? What techniques are companies using to provide on-demand learning, both physical and digital? How do we capitalize on short attention spans, yet apply deliberate “sprint” learning within problem solving and process improvement?

Idea Exchanges are facilitated, open forum sessions where conference participants have a chance to tell their stories. Other than a pre-defined topic, these sessions are unstructured and rely on the facilitator to keep the conversations flowing. Idea Exchanges are a unique opportunity to learn, share and grow.