Fuss and O’Neill Manufacturing Solutions LLC 
Intermediate level

Implementing total productive maintenance: Four phases to zero equipment stoppages

How to start a total productive maintenance program at your facility
Monday, Oct. 18 Location Code
10:00am-2:00pm Virtual MW/07

Times listed in EDT.

This content is live only and will not be available on-demand.


Total productive maintenance (TPM) is a system that will help you put a plan together. In this workshop, learn TPM concepts and see creative solutions and best practices from other teams/industries.


This workshop will provide you with a step-by-step plan to take your maintenance group and production equipment to the next level of operation. These are doable, bite-size steps that will move your maintenance group forward while increasing the production output of your machines. As you work through the class examples of prior events and supporting data, you'll see what a powerful capability TPM is.


Fuss and O’Neill Manufacturing Solutions, LLC, assists clients in improving their bottom line by increasing the productivity, safety and reliability of their machines and equipment. It helps improve the productivity of equipment and maintenance personnel, resulting in immediate and sustainable results. Total productive maintenance, maintenance excellence concepts, maintenance management training, ergonomics, and safety guarding all work toward increasing maintenance effectiveness. www.fando.com


John Perrotti is the vice president of Fuss & O'Neill Manufacturing Solutions LLC in Manchester, Connecticut, where he leads various disciplinary efforts for its manufacturing solutions group. He is an expert in reliability and has developed methods and approaches to evaluate systems for achieving maximum performance. He is also an expert in electrical safety - NFPA 70E compliance, and lock out/tag out procedures and has extensive knowledge within the metalworking industry. Perrotti has performed training and support in maintenance manager 101, troubleshooting techniques, set up reduction and utilizing a lean approach to safety.