Sponsor showcase: Rever

Is lean as we know it dead?
Thursday, Oct. 29 Location Code
1:45pm-2:00pm Virtual

Learn how Industry 4.0 technologies are changing operational excellence forever.

The industrial world has changed. The adoption of digital technologies, sensors, robotics, additive manufacturing, and mobile devices have changed the way factories are run. Yet contrary to dreams of full automation, the current global pandemic has highlighted the importance of frontline workers. Today's frontline workforce is digital-native, skilled, and expects purpose and autonomy. The command-and-control structures and systems of traditional industrial corporations are no longer a fit in the new reality. Digital Transformation efforts only for those in the office, while excluding the frontline is no longer an option. In this short, 15-minute session, we will review ten shifts that current industry leaders use for winning at the intersection of people and technology and multiplying the effects of last century's lean methods.