State of Supply Chain In the New Shortage Economy

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have led us to a shortage economy. These new market dynamics have made it evident that existing processes are no longer sufficient, and that there are additional areas ripe for investment. Manufacturers are looking towards these new opportunities for improvement in order to get a better handle on how they plan and execute in this new normal and to be more resilient with their inventory and shortage management in the future.

LeanDNA and the Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) conducted market research to explore the specific areas in which manufacturers are looking to digitally invest, the top challenges inhibiting transformation, and the biggest opportunities on the table for 2022 and beyond. This report dives deeper into the priorities and challenges facing manufacturers and offers practical advice for those ready to transform their factories.

Take a deep dive into manufacturing’s biggest factory priorities, gaps, emerging tech, and more in this new data-driven report.