AME Blog

AME Blog
I am still celebrating the success of the AME Cleveland International Conference. The people and the learning environment were so energizing. As lean leaders, we know that an important and worthy piece of the continuous improvement journey is the celebration. In today’s fast-paced world, we sometimes... More
AME Blog
Another amazing AME International Conference has come and gone. It feels surreal that we all gathered just a few days ago to share, learn and grow as we ReImagined Excellence. What a fun time in Cleveland, and how impressive was it that the honorable Cleveland mayor, Justin Bibb, kicked off the week... More
AME Blog
I am a big fan of Halloween. It brings out the inner child we tuck away most days of the year, allowing us to relive and reinvent precious childhood memories. Halloween also allows us to exercise our scope of creativity. Think about how costumes have evolved over the years. I know many of us can recall... More
AME Blog
First, let me share that I am ecstatic that next week, we will gather in the beautiful city of Cleveland, Ohio to celebrate our 39th AME International Conference! We will host attendees from all over the United States, Canada and 19 other countries. I cannot wait to see you all in person. Zoom calls... More
AME Blog
I couldn’t be more thrilled to join you in just over a week at AME’s 39th annual conference, AME Cleveland 2023, as we ReImagine Excellence. This year is a little extra spooky (oops – meant special) because day two of the conference falls on Halloween. Luckily, our talented events team has ensured... More
AME Blog
Every day at AME, I am reminded that it truly takes a village. Collaboration and support in our community are crucial for change and innovation. We know we cannot do it alone, and this reflects AME's values – we share, learn and grow. Our network provides opportunities every day, and I am so grateful... More
AME Blog
This week, I am thrilled to update our membership on a few exciting changes at AME. We have appointed three new members to our international board of directors. Ellis Jones, Marc Kuzik and Bob Miller will serve as directors-at-large for a two-year term that began October 1, 2023. Jones is an independent... More
AME Blog
Dear Present, Past and Future AME Members: I am thrilled to announce an exciting update to this week’s letter. We are honored to have a special guest writer, Jenny Snow-Boscolo, AME’s outgoing 2022-2023 Board chair. I am so personally grateful for Snow-Boscolo’s leadership these past few years.... More
AME Blog
You hear me talk a lot about how proud I am that AME has a world-class Champions Club. This is one of the best places for senior leaders, lean influencers and C-suite executives to network for peer-to-peer learning. It is an exclusive group that delivers experiential learning and strategic value to leaders.... More
AME Blog
One of the things I am most proud of in my three and a half years at AME is the success and growth of the AME Emerging Leaders Program. What started as an idea blossomed into something significant to AME’s future. I want to give a shoutout to our AME volunteer Emerging Leaders director, Josh Buchanan,... More
AME Blog
AME’s AME Cleveland 2023 Conference is less than two months away. With the date fast approaching, I find it difficult to contain my excitement. In one unforgettable week, we will explore world-class keynote speakers, sessions, workshops, tours and networking opportunities. This year’s theme is “Reimagining... More
AME Blog
Labor Day is an incredibly important holiday to honor workers – all those dedicated to hard work and accomplishing their dreams. In the past few years, workers across the globe have shown incredible resilience, dedication and innovation as they learned to navigate a new world. Whether in the front... More
AME Blog
It is hard to believe that we are a little over nine weeks away from gathering in Cleveland, Ohio for the 39th annual AME International Conference: AME Cleveland 2023. I am so excited to see everyone again. I hope you have registered to attend. If you haven’t, why not? Conferences are a great way to... More
AME Blog
Happy summer! It seems like spring just started, yet some of our children returned to school this week. It is true that time passes quickly. We must celebrate each day because we know, “Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.” Last... More
AME Blog
One of our home team members shared that she was ecstatic to see her idol, Taylor Swift, in concert last week, as it was her dream and at the top of her bucket list. How awesome is that! This inspired me to ponder my own bucket list items. You know, those dreams that fuel our passion and thrill us. They... More
AME Blog
Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I find myself reflecting on this as we continue to engage in dialogue about what makes work meaningful. It’s people who, through... More
AME Blog
"Don't rationalize your way to the land of mediocrity. We cannot be passive – we must act." My friend, Michal Bremer, author of "How to Do a Gemba Walk," shared this phrase with me the other day, and it really resonated both personally and professionally. How many times have we accepted the status... More
AME Blog
Family has been on my mind a lot lately. Many of you know that a year ago, on July 21, my twin sister, Kathi, passed away unexpectedly. With the anniversary of this event, it feels important to remember how lucky we are to have our friends and loved ones in our lives. Despite how incredibly difficult... More
AME Blog
The Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) is pleased to announce that Barbara Clayton has joined the AME home team as director of membership and operations. Clayton is an accomplished professional with a wealth of experience spanning more than 18 years. She has made a lasting impact on lean... More
AME Blog
Summer always provides additional opportunities to enjoy a delightful book, peruse magazine articles or google topics of interest. Whether relaxing at the beach, outside, or on a plane, we craft a little extra downtime to read under the sun. This week, I read an interesting article about attracting and... More
AME Blog
I’m always amazed by the amount of talent and expertise we have in our AME community. It seems every day, I hear about another AME subject matter expert publishing a new book or sharing pearls of wisdom on national and international levels. AME’s work brings together the industry’s brightest thought... More
AME Blog
You’ve never seen a fireworks display like what you’ll see at a U.S. military base. As a child growing up in a military family, we moved quite often. But no matter where we moved, the fireworks remained constant and always magnificent. Every Fourth of July, I find my memories drifting around the... More
AME Blog
Either this letter will leave you insatiably curious or it will leave you furious, maybe both. My hope, as always, is that it makes you think. When it comes to new technology, I tend to land on the side of curiosity. A career in continuous improvement has shown me that being frustrated by new technology,... More
AME Blog
I read an incredible article this week in which Gary Hoover, the executive director at the American Business History Center, debunks ten myths surrounding negative perceptions surrounding “profit” in businesses. Thank you to AME St. Louis Consortium facilitator Jonathan Jones for sharing this one!... More
AME Blog
Of all the federal holidays we celebrate, Memorial Day is one that is both cheerful and somber. While it marks for many of us the unofficial start of summer, Monday is a day of observance, centered on remembering and thanking the countless Americans in uniform who have given their lives for this country.... More
AME Blog
This week, I spent some time with the Littelfuse team and our AME Champions Club in Mexico. Littelfuse is a global manufacturer of leading technologies in circuit protection, power control and sensing. You might recall that its passenger car product manufacturing operations in Piedras Negras, Mexico,... More
AME Blog
AME’s Director of Conferences and Events Desiree Dolecki was recently quoted in Industry Magazine in an article titled “The Future is Hybrid-ish” as sharing “there is no one size fits all approach.” The fully integrated hybrid model is not the predominant model—it simply is an ever-revolving... More
AME Blog
Many of you have read, engaged with and shared your #whyAME stories. It is exciting and humbling to hear how AME has touched all of us personally and professionally. At this organization’s core are the people—members, contributors, supporters and friends. Our volunteers, in particular, make AME unique.... More
AME Blog
The other day, I heard something that challenged me, and my initial reaction was to ignore it. You know what they say about choosing battles. Then someone shared this phrase in a meeting later that day completely unrelated to what I had observed earlier: “The standard you walk past is the standard... More
AME Blog
People are always telling us to slow down, practice self-care and take time for ourselves. Yet at the same time, we’re encouraged to work harder, engage longer and consume more. So, which is it? I received a newsletter from a friend this week entitled “Crazy busy,” and it resonated with me. In... More
AME Blog
I can’t tell you how often I use the phrase, “We are like the shoemaker with the bad shoes.” It’s easy to tell people how to do things or how things should be. It’s much harder to live the change you want to see, though it shouldn’t be. How many times have we talked about having standard... More
AME Blog
I know Valentine’s Day, with its trademark heart-shaped chocolates and bright red roses, is traditionally reserved for romance. I’d like to reframe the narrative. What if we all took the time to show a little extra love to those other people in our life—our coworkers, suppliers, customers, friends... More
