AME Blog

AME Blog
  Around the AME ecosphere yesterday, a committee of volunteers discussed how to help our members take better advantage of our considerable member benefits and how we might engage non-members so they can benefit from the AME network, knowledge and training. In another meeting, our regional presidents... More
AME Blog
  There is power in both the words “yes” and “no.” These simple words allow us to take on new challenges and do so at the proper time, but it takes wisdom to know when and how to deploy both. Last May, I wrote about “yes, and” and how that mindset allows you to move things forward and build... More
AME Blog
  You might expect a joke letter today — it being April Fool’s Day after all — but I’ve decided to play it straight in my weekly message. That’s because I didn’t want to waste your time with a joke message when I know how valuable your time is. Instead, I wanted to use your precious time... More
AME Blog
  Have you ever watched a building construction project? Maybe it’s an office building you drive by during your commute or a new warehouse on your company’s property. Perhaps it’s an addition on your child’s school or a new movie theater in your town.  If you drive by every so often it’s... More
AME Blog
    What do you call a manufacturing plant that is just ok? Satisfactory. At AME and among the lean, continuous improvement community, we are in a constant search for how to make things better, how to increase efficiency and efficacy, how to empower employees, how to lead better, and how to improve... More
AME Blog
  To close his excellent keynote at the AME Back to Basics Lean Summit this week, Marc Braun shared an inspiring Maya Angelou quote about courage. I’d like to begin this message with another Angelou quote: “As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.” I mention this quote... More
AME Blog
    All eyes have been on Ukraine in the past week. While the situation is still unfolding and remains dire, there are so many inspirational things that have caught the world’s attention. We have seen heroic actions of everyday citizens, national pride of Ukrainians, and a global community that has... More
AME Blog
  You’ve probably heard the acronym, B.Y.O.B., but today I’m thinking about B.Y.O.S.: Bring Your Own Sunshine. The annual fight between winter and spring has begun. Depending on where you live, there may be days of sunshine mixed with cold days with rain or even snow. But we can choose to let go... More
AME Blog
  In last week’s message, I mentioned the unseen but important role that Jamaica’s 1988 men’s bobsled team played by inspiring future bobsledders to try the sport. Older generations can lead the way, show what’s possible, and offer a hand to help others step up to the next level. To help future... More
AME Blog
  There’s something special about watching an underdog compete at the Olympics. When they rise to the top it’s thrilling and we feel like we’ve seen something special, but often there are also lessons to be learned from those who don’t win. Do you remember when everyone cheered on the Jamaican... More
AME Blog
  To create a lean culture where employees are empowered and the organization buys into a system that consistently looks for improvements, you need leadership support, a common language, and a commitment to thinking differently. While I’m sure some companies come into existence with lean thinking... More
AME Blog
  If this last two years have taught us anything it’s that things don’t always go as planned. When I began my tenure as AME’s president and CEO in January 2020, I had no idea the curve balls that would be thrown our way, and I know that these curveballs have affected our entire community. While... More
AME Blog
  Yesterday I received a news alert: prepare for a winter storm. The governor declared a state of emergency. The state’s department of transportation advised residents to stay off the roads. The snow prediction was for 1-2 inches. If you live in a northern state, Canada, or somewhere that big snow... More
AME Blog
  We are coming up on my second anniversary as AME’s president and CEO. During that time, our community has been in a cycle of facing challenges and overcoming them only to have new challenges arise. This is almost always the way of life. It is rarely smooth sailing for an infinite amount of time.... More
AME Blog
  Like many people, I looked up to Betty White and was saddened to hear about her passing. She was a vibrant woman and it seemed like she might live forever. Beyond my love of her work on television, Betty and I shared a love for animal welfare. If you’ve been on a Zoom with me, you may have noticed... More
AME Blog
  When the clock strikes midnight and the ball drops in Times Square to signify the start of a new year, it would be wonderful if everything could start completely fresh and new. But we know that’s not how it happens. The challenges and triumphs on December 31 are likely the same challenges and triumphs... More
AME Blog
    In last week’s message, I wrote about reflecting on the year and recognizing the opportunities to level-up our skills and the skills of those around us. When we reflect on things, it’s natural to also look ahead and think about how the future might bring about things that are new…different…better. This... More
AME Blog
  As the number of days in 2021 continue to countdown, I’ve begun to reflect on the year and the challenges and triumphs I’ve experienced and witnessed. If you had asked me at the start of this year if it would be harder than 2020, I would have told you nothing could be harder than 2020. But this... More
AME Blog
    When we come together to collaborate, it’s important to have different voices at the table. We often think of these different voices as coming from people of diverse ethnicities, genders, orientations, and religions. Of course, having those voices is incredibly important. Representation matters... More
AME Blog
  Since this is the last time I will connect with you via a “From the CEO” message before Thanksgiving in the U.S., I wanted to spend some time highlighting things I’m thankful for this year. Like 2020, it has been a difficult year in many regards, but I’ve been creating a gratitude journal... More
AME Blog
  As we recognize Veterans Day in the U.S. and Remembrance Day in Canada, I want to highlight the important role that veterans play in the AME community. In every industry represented by AME members, you will find veterans working in continuous improvement capacities to make their organizations better.... More
AME Blog
  Organizational culture can come from anywhere. Everyone plays a role in creating and embracing culture. If you participated in the AME Everywhere 2021 conference opening night celebration, you heard Jon Colby talk through the four rules of improvisation and how they apply to our professional lives: Yes,... More
AME Blog
  Do you have your costume picked out for Halloween? If not, you might consider dressing as a witch, rabbit or dinosaur – the top three costumes according to Google Trends. When we dress up for Halloween now or as a child, we’re trying on a new look, but we still bring our own personality to the... More
AME Blog
    Did you know that tomorrow is National Boss’ Day in America? It was started in 1958 by Patricia Bays Haroski, an administrative assistant at State Farm Insurance Company to honor her father who she considered an exemplary boss. In fact, October 16 is her father’s birthday. The day was designed... More
AME Blog
  When you’re a kid, there are things that you look forward to each year like your birthday or Christmas, or the first day of summer break. As those days approach, you might remember feeling anxious and excited. It might have been hard to focus on other things or to fall asleep at night. Even as we... More
AME Blog
AME is proud to serve professionals from nearly every sector including health care, the public sector, service industries, defense, and finance. It has become clear over time that the lean, continuous improvement mindset that started in manufacturing is applicable in any organization. Even with this... More
AME Blog
  Life is a series of choices that we make every day. Some of these are small choices like what to eat for breakfast, what movie to stream on Netflix, or what shirt to wear. Others are big choices like where to live, what sort of career to pursue, or how to treat an illness. We often overlook some of... More
AME Blog
  If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you are responsible for making your organization function more effectively and efficiently. You might oversee a specific process and team. You might be the CEO or COO. You might be a front-line worker who has been empowered to continually make... More
AME Blog
  Once the immediate shock and terror wore off on September 11, 2001, I immediately thought of a loved one who was traveling that morning from Boston. I did not know what airline he was on or his flight number, and with the overloaded cellular network there was no way to check in with him. It wasn’t... More
AME Blog
  In a recent LinkedIn post, Jon Colby wrote, “Allow yourself to rest today and remind yourself that every small effort or good deed contributes to the greater good. You are enough.” If you attended last year’s AME conference, you surely remember Jon from the opening night celebration, and you... More
AME Blog
  The back-to-school season conjures several thoughts and emotions. Two weeks ago, I talked about how this time of year can inspire us to be lifelong learners and remind us of the importance of continually gaining knowledge that we can apply to our teams and enterprises. Beyond that, there are myriad... More
AME Blog
  In the past week, members of the AME community have experienced the highest highs and lowest lows. On Saturday, we learned that Mark Sessumes passed away unexpectedly. Mark was the statewide executive director of TMAC, the MEP for Texas. Beyond his day job, he was an AME volunteer who was committed... More
